Web Design

The art of information.

Websites were a game changer for business. They've become the keystone of customer interaction for many companies in many different industries, and for designers this introduced radical new dimensions to how customers are engaged as customers actively interacted with these applications. Here are a few of my own, large and small over the years.

The Immigration Hotline

One of my big projects for one of my big clients, putting digital media to use for them.

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Skyline Investments

It's time consuming and expensive to try and reinvent the wheel when you don't need to. Here's an example of a site built in two weeks from a code base recycled from another project for the same client it was originally written for.

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Skyline Resort Communities

One of my big projects for one of my big clients, putting digital media to use for them.

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Bear Valley Ski Resort

Give one designer one month to overhaul a Sierra Nevada ski resort. Bear Valley was long overdue for a new brand for the upcoming ski season and It came down to me to make that happen.

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